Ravintola-alan arkea
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Information event for the commerce, tourism and catering sectors

10:00 - 10:40

Are you interested in working in the commerce, travel or catering sector?
Do you have a zero-hours contract, but you’re looking for a full-time job? 

Through our service, you can find full-time employment quickly. Employment agreements are made for a minimum of 18 hours per week. 

The service is designed according to your needs and background. You will receive the services you need to be employed. 


Who is the service for?

  • You are an unemployed jobseeker client of Helsinki Employment Services.
  • You’re already a skilled professional or just entering the sector.
  • Your unemployment has lasted no more than three years. 

In the information event, the service providers Y4 Works Oy or Wenhe Oy present the service. You have the opportunity to ask for more information. The duration of the information event is approximately 40 minutes. Please bring your ID with you. 

Sign up via the form .

Read more about Employment services for the commerce, tourism and catering sectors.


