Studies finished or military service completed – apply for work or education

After graduation or the military service, a new phase of life is starting.
Three people standing by the sea in summer.
Photo: Aleksi Poutanen

Start your job search and receiving your unemployment benefit by registering as an unemployed jobseeker. The easiest way to register is through the E-services. You can find instructions for the registration on the Job Market Finland website.

A jobseeker living in Helsinki is a customer of Helsinki Employment Services or TE Services. As a customer, you do not need to know or find out which service applies to you. Registering in the E-services is enough to start a customer relationship in both situations.

Jobseeker’s check list:

  • Register as a jobseeker in the E-Services.
    After you have registered, you will be contacted and you will receive support for finding employment.
  • Apply for work actively.
  • Apply for the unemployment benefit and respond to requests for clarification.
    The unemployment benefit is paid either by Kela or by your unemployment fund.
  • Keep your job search valid.
  • Keep your contact information up to date.
  • Report the measures specified in your employment plan.
  • Notify us of any changes.
    For example, if you start working or studying or become an entrepreneur, please let us know without delay. If job seeking is no longer relevant to you and you do not need the unemployment benefit, please go to the E-Services and end your job search.

Official matters at the employment services

The advice service helps you when you are applying for a place of work or study

Helsinki Employment Services’ advice services provide support for the job search, submitting training applications and using E-Services. Help is provided in the offices, by telephone and e-mail and in the online service. Advice events are also organised at the offices related to, for example, training, job seeking and creating your CV.

Employment services advice

Events by Helsinki Employment Services

Help and support for young people from Ohjaamo

Ohjaamo Helsinki serves young people aged 15–29 in different situations and intersections of life. You can receive information, support and help in questions related to finding a job or a place of study, clarifying your career choices, filling in forms, health and well-being as well as financial issues. Ohjaamo also gives you tips for your spare time. You can come to Ohjaamo without an appointment.

Ohjaamo Helsinki