
You can find the offices of the Helsinki Employment Services in different parts of Helsinki. Some of our offices also serve without an appointment.
Summer opening hours

In July, our advice services available without prebooked appointments are open at our Itäkeskus and Kamppi offices. Ohjaamo is closed from 22 to 28 July 2024. Pasila advice services are closed until 4 August 2024. Services by appointment are available as normal.

Where can I use the services?

You can visit our Kamppi, Itäkeskus and Pasila offices and Ohjaamo for under 30-year-olds without an appointment during the opening hours.

If you are unsure whether you are a client of the Helsinki Employment Services (municipal employment experiment) or the TE Services, we recommend you to use the Pasila office. There, you can find the TE Services and Helsinki Employment Services at the same office.

Check the offices' own pages for more detailed information and instructions.