Helsinki Employment Services
Welcome as our client! We will help you to find your next step as soon as possible.
If you have a pending clarification request in E-Services, please respond to it before the downtime. You will not be able to respond to clarification requests while the service is closed.
As of 14 October, E-Services will operate as part of Job Market Finland under the name Official matters.
Muutoksen myötä asiakkaat saavat entistä laajemmin ja monipuolisemmin tukea omaan työllistymiseen ja osaamisen vahvistamiseen, kun eri työllistymistä tukevat palvelut löytyvät saman toimijan vastuulta.
Are you looking for information on the job search obligation?
You can find information on the job search obligation and instructions on how to report on your job search on the Rights and Responsibilities page.
Contact us!
You can reach us in many ways. Call or visit us, use our services online, or send us an email.
See the different ways of contacting us
Contact information for our offices