Municipal employment experiment

The municipal employment experiment is a national project that started on 1 March 2021 and to which some of the statutory employment services were transferred from the TE Services to municipalities. A total of 125 municipalities and 26 test areas formed by these municipalities are taking part in the experiment.

Why is this experiment taking place?

The purpose of the municipal experiment is to increase the effectiveness of the employment services and the range of jobseeker services, and to improve the overall client experience. The aim is to achieve this by, for example, making the services provided by municipalities easier to access.

Municipal experiment clients will only be able to use their home municipality’s employment services. Helsinki Employment Services provides municipal experiment services to some of Helsinki’s unemployed jobseekers.

Who is the municipal employment experiment for?

The municipal experiment is for unemployed jobseekers in Helsinki who meet one of the following criteria:

  • They are under 30 years old or
  • their first language is not Finnish or
  • they are not entitled to earnings-related unemployment allowance. They receive labour market subsidy, social assistance or sickness allowance from Kela, for example.

If you are not a municipal experiment client, you will continue cooperating with the TE Services. You do not need to know yourself which service applies to you. We will contact you and guide you to the right place.