New client service model supports job search

The new client service model, which was introduced in spring 2022, allows us to offer more personal and intensive support for job seeking. Information about the changes can be found on this page.

What is the new client service model?

  • We will support your job search closely. 
  • You and your own specialist will together set a job search obligation for you. 
  • The sanctions related to unemployment benefits were staggered. 
  • The websites of Helsinki Employment Services were renewed and jobseekers’ service channels changed with the työ (Job Market Finland) website. 

After the reform, we will provide intensive support for your job search from the beginning. We will be in touch with you regularly and based on your needs. We will assess your prospects and opportunities of finding work with you. Your obligation to apply for work was renewed and the waiting periods that affect unemployment benefits were reduced. 

The basic principle of the new service model is that you will not be left alone with your job search. We hope that you will find your next step as soon as possible and we will help you with that!

The change took place on 2 May 2022.

Read more about the service model on the Job Market Finland website.

Frequently asked questions

I am a client of Helsinki Employment Services.

Frequently asked questions

I have just registered as a jobseeker.

Job search obligation

You can find up-to-date information on the new job search obligation on the Rights and Responsibilities page.

Changes to unemployment benefits

The penalties for unemployment benefits have been staggered and made more reasonable. If you repeatedly neglect your obligations related to job search and employment services, the sanctions will gradually become more severe.

If you neglect your obligations four times in a year, you will lose your right to unemployment benefits until further notice and you will be obliged to work. Your right to unemployment benefits will be restored if you rectify your actions that led to the obligation to work within three months of a discussion held with you. When counting the number of repeated cases of neglect, unpaid waiting periods resulting from a termination of an employment relationship and refusal to take a job will not be taken into account, as they are subject to longer, although shorter than currently, unpaid waiting periods.

If you have acted according to your employment plan and applied for the agreed number of job opportunities, you will not lose your unemployment benefits.

Read more about the unemployment benefit.