This spring's first joint application round to higher education is underway

In this spring’s first joint application round to higher education, you can apply to universities’ foreign-language degree programmes, Uniarts Helsinki’s degree programmes and Tampere University’s theatre arts programme, which will all start in the autumn.

The application period of this spring’s first joint application round is 3–17 January 2024. Applications are submitted via the Studyinfo website. You can apply to up to six different degree programmes.

In this spring’s second joint application round to higher education, you can apply to the Finnish and Swedish degree programmes of universities and universities of applied sciences starting in the autumn. The application period of this spring’s second joint application round is 13–27 March 2024.

Joint application to upper secondary education 

In the spring 2024 joint application round to upper secondary education, you can apply to general upper secondary education, vocational upper secondary qualification, vocational education which is organised based on demanding special support, preparatory education for programmes leading to an upper secondary qualification (TUVA), preparatory education and training for work and independent living (TELMA) and folk high school programmes intended for students who are required to attend compulsory education.

The application period of the spring 2024 joint application round to upper secondary education is 20 February–19 March 2024. The studies will start in autumn 2024.

More information

How to apply in joint application to higher education, Studyinfo

Application periods, Studyinfo
