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Starting a Business Info

11:00 - 12:30

Are you considering Entrepreneurship? Start by participating in Business Helsinki's online Info!

When becoming an entrepreneur many questions probably remain open to you. This info will help you with taking your first steps as an entrepreneur in Finland.

What forms of entrepreneurship have you been considering as options? Do you know what is the difference between operating as a light entrepreneur, starting on your own with "toiminimi" (sole trader) or starting an “osakeyhtiö” (limited company)?

What kind of changes are to be expected when you become an entrepreneur? What kind of permits, insurances you might need? How about taxation and Value Added Tax (VAT)?

Why is it wise to write a business plan first? What else you need to consider in the beginning and in which order to do everything?

If you are thinking about applying for a startup grant, it should be done before you register your business. During the latter part of this info, a representative from TE Services tells who can apply for the grant and what the terms for getting it are.

The introductory part on starting a business lasts for about 45 min + questions & answers. It is followed by TE Services' part about startup grant. The event lasts for about 90 min in total.

This is an online event using Microsoft Teams as the platform. The event is free of charge for all participants.

The info is not recorded, but the presentations are available for the participants.

Register for this event!







Macluumaadka qabanqaabiyaha

Business Helsinki